So You’re In Grad School…

Many of the individuals that wound up becoming my mentors as I went through the process of finding a grad school, attending grad school, and getting my first big girl job didn’t ever attend grad school – or if it they did, it wasn’t for student affairs! While I’m always open to answering questions that you may have, I have decided to start a monthly post based on things that might be happening to you as a grad student that very month! Below I will list what I plan to cover each month (first year on the left, second year on the right) and eventually there will be a link to that month’s post. While I know the school year starts in the summer-ish months, I’ve started posting these in January, so eventually I will re-order them. Enjoy!




April: ??/On Campus interviews

May: Preparing for a summer internship/Job offers

June: Planning for your comprehensive exams/If you haven’t found a job yet

July: Getting ready to head to grad school/The summer in between

August: Training and adjusting/Meeting the first years

September: First semester/??

October: Midterms and group projects/??

November: Thinking ahead to spring/What to tell your relatives

December: Finals/Passing your comprehensive exam

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